Accepting 2025 seed orders! Shipping on average is within 2-3 weeks of placing your order.
Bred from a traditional variety, Green Mignonette, we have sourced this interesting looking lettuce from Wild Garden Seed as well. Their description says:
"A special mini head from University of Hawaii, grown widely in the Islands for its resistance to heat and tip-burn. ‘Manoa’ is actually a tropical-stress selected version of the century-old ‘Green Mignonette,’ itself recognized as a standout heat resistant lettuce. Medium deep green, semi-savoyed leaves form small, compact plants that may be baby cut with an open head, or allowed to mature into a blanched round heart. Can be tightly spaced (6” in all directions) for 38-45 day summer production of baby cut. Great thanks, “Mahalo,” to UH Extension dude Glenn Teves for turning us on to this paradise isle standard of excellence."