Cascade Ruby-Gold is a Flint Corn and comes from Carol Deppe’s breeding work in Oregon. We grew it for the first time in 2015 at the farm and in our short growing season we surprisingly got a beautiful crop from the 150 or so seeds that we planted. It is indeed very early and is apparently superb for cornbread and more. Plants 5 1/2 feet high with 1 to 3 ears per stalk. Ears 8-12″ with 8-12 rows of big seeds on a medium-narrow cob that dries down easily. Produces solid-colored ears of several colors-red, red-brown, dark red, orange-gold, maple-gold, gold, and yellow. Interior kernel color is always yellow or gold. Each color of ear has a different flavor; red shades a rich flavor and yellow shades a mild-flavor. Recipes can be found in Carol Deppe’s book The Resilient Gardener: Food Production and Self-reliance in Uncertain Times. She bred this corn to be the ultimate survival crop! See her other seed offerings here.
Zea mays